
To My Inner Critic, “Shut Up!”

I spent the weekend at a writer’s conference and some time with an old friend.  How come when you hear advice from the lips of someone else, usually something you already know, it becomes a “wow” moment.  My friend, I’ll call her the Wise Scribe, told me “You are already a writer. You’ve written a ton of stuff.  You need to stop trying to become one and start making some cash from writing.”  Ah, the ultimate challenge for a writer, acknowledging you worth so you can market yourself to the world.  This Wise Scribe also said, “You have done a lot of giving back.  It’s time to focus on you.”

This is exactly what I’ve been thinking in the wee hours of the night.  After over 20 years of working full-time and 16 years as a single parent, I’m ready to focus on me and my passion. Writing.  That thought has been pinging around in my brain but to have someone say it, to give you permission, enlightenment.  I feel transformed.  It’s okay to think about me!  

When I started to push back with the inevitable “but,” the Wise Scribe said, “Here’s the best piece of advice.”  She held up one finger.  “One thing at a time. You only have to do one thing.  Find the one thing and do it.”  One thing?  I can do that?  I don’t have to send 25 queries, today I can send just one. Little baby steps.

Wise Scribe also had this revelation, “When your inner critic is telling you you can’t, tell her to Shut up!”  It’s time to start changing my focus.  I am a writer.  I am not just a harried mom or a stressed out office worker.  I am a writer.  That is my passion.  I’m allowed to be selfish and start spending my energy pursuing my passion.  Thank you oh, Wise Scribe!  I love you!
